Naughty & Nice: A Holiday Storybook Novella Read online

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  I’m a little embarrassed that I’m already rock hard and try to arch my lower body away, so he doesn’t feel it. Rorik grunts something indecipherable into my mouth, slaps one huge hand on my ass, and pulls me closer to him. My eyes fly open when I feel his erection against mine. That answers the proportional question.

  Rorik presses me against the doorjamb and grinds his cock against mine. Sparks of electricity shoot off through my body and to be honest, if he doesn’t stop, they won’t be the only things shooting off. I haven’t been laid in months and I’ve never been laid by anybody even remotely like Rorik.

  Breaking the kiss with a soft moan, I cling to him, gasping for breath, worried I might pass out from lack of blood to the brain soon. Rorik makes a growling sound, low in this throat, that shouldn’t be sexy but I have to run through programming languages to try and get my cock under control. He traces a line of small bites and kisses along my jaw to my ear and rocks his hips against mine.

  “Stop. Please. You have to stop,” I manage to stammer.

  Rorik stops immediately and, without letting go of my waist, takes a half step back. Concern fills his blue eyes.

  “What’s wrong? Did I do something? Do you not like it?”

  “I do… too much. I’ll… that is… if you don’t stop… uh…”

  How the fudge do I tell the sexiest Elf I’ve ever met that if he keeps kissing me like that, I’m going to come in my pants? Without looking like a total dweeb, I mean. Although, it occurs to me that that ship may have sailed.

  Concern gives way to puzzlement and then to slow dawning comprehension. Just kill me now. Actually, coming just from being kissed might have been less embarrassing.

  “I’m flattered.” Rorik presses a firm, closed kiss to my mouth. “I think, maybe for both our sakes, it’s time I went home.” My disappointment must show on my face because he kisses me again. Gently this time. “Oh, trust me Small One, I’d really rather stay here with you, but I think maybe you could use some space.” He strokes my cheek with his finger sending a shiver through me. “I’ll pick you up in the morning.”

  “I can walk.” The protest is more for show than anything else. I really want to ride with him in the Corvette again.

  “I know. I’m going to pick you up anyway. Is seven too early?”

  Seven is far too early for any damned thing but I shake my head anyway. “No, I can do seven.”

  “Good. Now, take your pup and go inside and eat your pie, then go to bed.” His gaze flicks down to the still obvious tent in my trousers. He winks. “Think of me. I’ll be thinking of you.”

  “You can’t say things like that,” I groan.

  “Oh but I can, Small One.” He kisses the tip of my nose which should be really annoying - what am I? Three? - but is, in fact, awesome and steps away from me. “Go on, go inside.”


  Button runs up the steps, looks at Rorik, then me, barks once, and runs inside. Gods, even the dopiest dog in The Grove has more brainpower than me right now.


  “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “At seven.”

  “At seven. Good night Small One.”

  “Good night, Santa.”

  Horrified, I spin around, slam the door behind me, and bang my head against it. I did not just say that. Oh Gods, please tell me I did not just say that. From my coat pocket comes the sound of my phone. Out of habit more than anything else, I pull it out and look at it. I don’t know how or when he got my number; it’s Rorik.

  Go to bed and stop overthinking, Small One. I’ll see you in the morning, R.

  Oh fudge! I am in so much trouble.


  I glance at the time and sigh. He’d said another half an hour, an hour ago. Unfortunately, once Boden had everything up and running, he’d found some other Basil leftovers and what was supposed to be a couple of hours has turned into a full day. Which, of course, has completely derailed my own plans for the day. Plans that had involved more kissing and finding out if I was right about the thong.

  Boden was a little shy when I picked him up this morning, blushing when I kissed him hello and stammering a thank you for the cup of coffee I had waiting in the car. When I touched his knee, he managed to spill most of the hot drink down his coat, so I pulled over to the side of the road, gathered him up and kissed him properly. He seemed to relax after that. Well, as relaxed as I think the sweet little geek can be.

  I’ve been banned from the server room since lunchtime - something about being too distracting. I have no idea what that means since he seemed perfectly happy to be distracted at lunchtime. Well, he had up until I asked him in between kisses and mouthfuls of macaroni cheese if he had thought of me last night when he went to bed. After pounding his back to clear the pasta he was choking on, I’d tried to kiss him again only to find myself held at arm’s length.

  “No, I’m not kissing you for fishing for compliments and information and nearly killing me into the bargain.”

  Ten minutes later, he accepted one kiss, then told me I was a distraction and shut the door in my face. I’ve had to make do with monosyllabic text messages since and they’re getting boring.

  “Your problem,” Astrid says when I wander into the kitchen for the fifth or sixth time, “is you’re spoiled.”

  Excuse me?

  “What do you mean I’m spoiled?”

  She stops mixing whatever it is she’s mixing and points a flour-covered finger in my direction. “You have been able to snap your fingers and have every Elf in the Grove sit up and beg since you were old enough to know what to make them beg for. You have never had to work for anyone. Until now.”

  “Wow, I didn’t realize you thought I was such a slut.” I feel oddly wounded by Astrid’s summation. The feeling isn’t helped by the accuracy of the words. Her face softens and she starts mixing again, little clouds of flour puffing up around her elbows with each movement.

  “Well, you don’t pay me to lie to you now, do you? It doesn’t change who you are deep down. You’re good- hearted, I know that. We all know that; you wouldn’t be a Holder if you weren’t, but you have been spoiled when it comes to warming your bed.” I can’t believe I’m discussing this with my housekeeper. My housekeeper, who has known me my entire life. “He’s sweet, Rorik, and he deserves better than to be played with. Hurting him would be…” she pauses, staring into the mixing bowl, “it would be worse than bad. Think carefully before you do something that can’t be undone.”

  I scrub my hand over my face. She’s right; I know she’s right. I don’t know what it is about Boden though. I have never wanted anyone the way I want him; never wanted to know anyone the way I want to know him. Especially after such a short time.

  At first, I wondered if it was because Lars had made me make that stupid promise but when I saw him this morning, standing in front of his gate, I knew it was just him. He is sweet. And absent-minded. And cute. And small. He doesn’t hang off my every word or try to flirt his way into my graces; I’m not even sure Boden can flirt. Not without hurting himself anyway. There’s a faint bruise on his forehead from where he walked into the door yesterday.

  Last night, even though he denied it, I could tell he wanted to see The Sleigh. Normally that’s one of the first things my dates - conquests might be a better word - ask about. Can they see it? Can they ride in it? Can I please fuck them in it? Yes. No. Don’t be ridiculous, of course not. I’ve never taken anybody out in The Sleigh - and I sure as hell would not fuck anyone in it. It’s not forbidden or anything like that but it’s The Sleigh. Some things deserve more respect.

  Some things and some Elves.

  “You know,” Astrid continues, “I think you could do worse than an Elf like Boden.”

  I lean over the counter, help myself to a handful of dates from the open bag by the bowl, and kiss her cheek. “Mind your own business, woman.”

  “Then stay out of my kitchen.”

  She shoos me away and I wan
der down the hallway munching on my dates. Everything is under control in the warehouse. All of the handwritten letters have been taken care of. Logistics is insane due to the network issues but I’m not stupid enough to go near them until I have no other choice. I go back to my office, glaring at the closed door as I pass it, and throw myself on my sofa. I can’t even watch porn on the computer because I still don’t have internet.

  I pull out my phone.

  Much longer Small One?

  After a moment I get a reply.


  Ugh. One word answers are getting old. My phone pings again.

  Don’t call me that.

  I laugh and tap a reply.

  I told you, you like it.

  Before long my phone pings.

  Go away.

  I try another tack.

  I’m here all alone on the sofa in my office and thinking about kissing you.

  When I get no reply, I continue.

  Thinking about kissing you is making it HARD to concentrate on anything else. You’re not going to make me take care of this by myself, are you?

  Not exactly subtle but… I’m bored and horny and he’s right next door damn it. I hear his phone chime, then a loud crash as something - or someone - falls over. Gods, did I actually break him? I race to the server room to find Boden still in his chair but on his back on the floor, staring up at the ceiling, phone in hand, like some sort of upturned turtle. I walk over and grin down at him.

  “You okay?”

  “You can’t say things like that,” he croaks.

  “I didn’t. I sent a text.” I help him up to his feet. “Are you going to be much longer?”

  “If you keep interrupting me, yes.”

  I lean down and steal a kiss. “If I promise to leave you in peace to finish, will you let me take you out for dinner after?”

  Boden rolls his eyes. “Fine. Yes. But you have to stop distracting me.”

  “Promise. I’ll go and have a shower and get changed and we can go as soon as you’re finished.”

  “Great. You do that.” He pushes me out the door and shuts it. I really shouldn’t tease him anymore, but what fun would that be?

  “Want me to send a pic of what I’m doing in the shower?” I call. Something heavy lands against the door, making it rattle.

  Chuckling to myself, I go to get ready for our date.


  I don’t really want to go to The Laughing Troll or to see Lars but if someone sees us elsewhere and tells him, there’s likely to be bloodshed. Probably mine. I decide I’m better to be upfront and tell him that I’m taking his cousin out to dinner and pray that Boden’s presence protects me.

  The best-laid plans of mice and men and apparently Elves however are often not meant to be - or something like that. As soon as we step through the door, Lars spots us. For a fleeting moment, I consider making a run for it, but Boden puts a stop to that.

  “I’m just going to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

  I open my mouth to ask him what he’d like me to order but Lars is pointing in my direction, and by the look on his face, my only hope for salvation is to front up. I hang up my coat and scarf and cross the room to the bar.

  “Rorik! What did you do?”

  “I haven’t done anything.” Yet. Unless you count a few kisses and jerking off to the idea of doing something. I decide to keep that thought to myself.

  “Do I look stupid?”

  I consider the question. He doesn’t look stupid, no. Pissed, yes. Stupid, no. That might not be the best way to answer him though.

  “Look, Lars, let me explain -”

  “Explain? Explain what? You promised me you would behave. You stood right there,” he stabs his finger against my chest, “and you promised me you would not mess around my with my cousin.”

  “I did. I did do that. And I haven’t broken my promise, in fact, that’s why I’m here. To tell you and to ask you if you’d be okay with me taking Boden out on a date toni-”

  Behind me someone clears their throat and close my eyes, heart sinking. I don’t need to turn to know it’s my sweet geek, but I do anyway. He’s standing, still in his coat, arms folded, one eyebrow raised, and he is not happy.

  “Care to explain exactly what promise you made my cousin that you haven’t broken? Better yet, why are you asking him if you can take me out when I’ve already said yes?” Then he adds something that makes me question just how absent-minded my Small One really is. “Considering last night, I am curious to know the answer.”

  “Last night?” Lars yells, scrambling across the counter. “What happened last night? I’m going to kick your ass.”

  Boden turns on him, eyes blazing. “And you! Since when you get to decide who I date, who I kiss, or who I… I… whatever? Come to think of it, since when do you get to decide anything about my life? I’m not four, Lars. Or mentally deficient.” Lars seems to deflate beneath the barrage of words. “Being non-magic doesn’t make me incompetent. Thank you for the referral to Rorik. I’ve fixed his network and got it running again. For the rest, I’m quite capable of looking after myself thank you.”

  He stalks away, leaving us both speechless. At the door, he turns and glares at me.

  “Well? I thought you were taking me out to dinner?”

  Oh. I shrug at Lars and run to grab my coat. When I finally have it on, I reach for Boden’s hand, but he refuses it.

  “I’m starving and you’d better find somewhere with food as good as Astrid’s or I’m not even going to bother listening to your explanation.”

  Before I can answer, the door slams in my face.


  Despite the evidence to the contrary, I’m not stupid. While he gets in the car, I make a quick phone call and then climb in behind the wheel.

  “Small One -” I begin but he holds his hand up without looking at me.

  “No. Feed me first.”

  I start driving. As we approach Poinsettia Place, he turns to me with a frown.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Nobody’s food is as good as Astrid’s.”

  His mouth twitches. “Watch the road.”

  From the corner of my eye I see the smile finally surface and breathe a sigh of relief. I may not have screwed up so badly after all.

  Astrid, as I knew she would, comes through. There are two glasses of icy champagne waiting on the table in the dining room. Flickering candles fill the room with a soft golden glow. Fresh prosciutto is followed by grilled salmon on a bed of fluffy rice and accompanied by a crisp salad. We talk about the network and what to do going forward. Boden ignores my repeated offer of being on a retainer, asking instead what is happening about Basil.

  “I don’t want to be horrible, but I don’t think he should be allowed near anybody’s computers.”

  I snigger. “Agreed. I’ve put him in the warehouse for now and we’ll see how he goes.”

  “Is he okay with that?”

  Basil is anything but okay with it, but he doesn’t have much choice if he wants to stay on with me. Boden looks embarrassed and a little sad at hearing that.

  “I feel bad. Like I lost him his job.”

  “He lost him his job. If he’d come to me at the outset and asked me to get someone in, I wouldn’t have held it against him, and all of this could have been avoided. Of course, then I wouldn’t have met you. Don’t feel bad, Small One.”

  Astrid appears with dishes of chocolate gateau the size of my hand, winks at me, and leaves again. Unsurprisingly, Boden hasn’t finished his champagne but I refill my glass. I don’t intend driving anywhere tonight. When I put the bottle down, Boden picks his fork up. Takes a morsel of cake and puts it in his mouth.

  “Oh fudge, that’s good,” he moans.

  I gulp down half of the glass of bubbly.

  “So,” Boden says, stabbing some more cake, “want to explain to me what you promised Lars and why?”

  “Look, Small One -”

  He puts some more c
ake in his mouth and stabs his fork in my direction. “Nope. You don’t get to call me that until I hear the explanation.”

  Sighing, I push my cake away. “I was at the Inn the other night and complaining about the network, okay? Basil had just thrown his tantrum and quit - which he does at least every other day by the way. Lars said he could send me someone if I promised to not mess with them. With you.”

  “Not mess with me?”

  “Apparently, I have a reputation.” I top my glass up again; if this goes bad, I’ll call someone to take him home. “Of course, he didn’t tell me how hot you are or how cute you are or how nice you are.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “And you showed up and you were all of those things and then by last night I was going crazy I wanted to kiss you so badly. So, I did.”

  “Yes.” He helps himself to my slice of gateau. “Yes, you did.”

  He scrapes the ganache up with the fork and sucks it into his mouth, something my cock would very much like to be repeated. Only not with a fork. Boden drops it on the plate - the fork, not my cock - and pushes his chair back from the table.

  “You do have a reputation,” he says quietly. I don’t know what to say to that, so I say nothing. “I don’t want to be another notch on your belt.” He twirls his champagne glass, making the bubbles sparkle in the candlelight. “I don’t want to get hurt.”

  “I won’t hurt you.”

  “I somehow doubt that.” When he looks up, Boden’s smile is sad. “I appreciate the sentiment though.”

  My stomach churns as I try to find something to say that will turn this around and make it okay. Boden reaches out and runs his finger over the back of my hand.

  “But like I said to Lars, I’m a grown Elf and can make my own choices. And I was kind of hoping for more than just a kiss tonight.”

  Stunned, I nod, unable to form words. He stands, comes around to my side of the table, and straddles my lap. The kiss is light and he pulls away before I’m ready.

  “Do you really think I’m hot?”

  To answer, I grip his hips and pull him down so he can feel how hard I am. “Yes, kiss me.”

  He shakes his head. “And cute?”